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Find Your Passions and A Career That Is Right For You

High School Students, College Students, and Adults can benefit from the Greenwood System 120 Career Counseling

EA is a Certified Greenwood System 120 Career Counseling Consultant

The Greenwood 120 System is a career counseling and guidance tool that uses an online assessment to measure person’s abilities, interests, values, and personality, and matches that profile to a database of over 1000 jobs to find the best 10% matches. The system also depends on a trained counselor or advisor to help the person go through a self-exploration and career exploration process to narrow the list to the very best career matches for each individual.

This comprehensive system provides objective data about an individual and his/her unique situation, which becomes the basis for developing a carefully designed plan of action. The Greenwood System 120 Personality and Career Matching Report gives you the information you need to make big life decisions about your education and future career directions.

  • Helps students learn about themselves and identify their long-term career interests.
  • Combines abilities, interests, values and personality to create a unique profile.
  • Uses big data to compare profiles to over 1,000 jobs and finds the Top 100 Career Models!

Make Smart Educational Decisions + Target the Right Internships + Build a Resume=Get A Job

Greenwood Associates has conducted research that has shown the, “GS 120 to be, 85% effective with a 94.6% approval rating”*, the most reliable and valid career matching instrument available.

Using the most up-to-date, reliable, and valid psychometric tests available, the GS120 produces a 26+ page report that details the four domains of Abilities, Interests, Values, and Personality.

The intersection of all four of these domains is where the GS120 identifies the top 10% of all careers for each individual profile. Let the GS 120 help you find your path!

*Career Development Quarterly

The Greenwood System 120 Combines Abilities, Interests

Values, and Personality

Service and Consultation fee includes:

  • Two hour of Online Testing
  • Four hours of Consultation with a Trained Career Counselor
  • A narrow list of well-matched careers and academic paths
  • 26 Page GS120 Summative Report Which includes:
  1. Top 100 and Bottom 50 Careers
  2. Career Exploration Resources
  3. Myers-Briggs Report
  4. Grit Score
  5. Values and Motivators Summary
  6. Personality Characteristics
  7. Academic and College Preferences
“Last year when our son was nearing his college graduation we began to feel anxious that he was about to enter the work force and had no idea what he wanted to do. We could tell that Ethan felt overwhelmed with what to do or where to start. When Dana suggested that Ethan take the Greenwood System Assessment and that it could help to narrow down his choices and possibly provide some direction, we were completely on board.
After completing the assessment, Dana and Ethan met to review the results. What it revealed helped shape many of his decisions and direction for the next few months.
Along with providing an idea of what types of positions he might be best suited for, it allowed him to identify where he might find the most career satisfaction. Almost immediately after their meeting he began looking for service year positions with AmeriCorps and shortly after that he found an interest in college advising. Within a few weeks he began applying and interviewing for college advising positions. Five months after graduation after being offered multiple jobs, he chose to accept a position with College Possible – Minnesota as a College Transition Coach.
Now several months into his new position, Ethan is happier than he’s ever been. He’s moved thousands of miles away from home. Has a wonderful social life. Has gained extensive work and personal skills and loves what he’s doing. In his own words, “I’ve never done anything as rewarding in my life!”.
We are so grateful to Dana for helping to kick start his career path. We cannot recommend her enough!”

Learn More About The Greenwood 120 System

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College and Career Counseling

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